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??????????????????????????????FSA?Food Standards Agency??3???????????1??????300???200????????????????????FSA??????????????????

?Food Standards Agency publishes new caffeine advice for pregnant women



Agency issues caffeine advice to pregnant women?FSA 2001.10.10?


Maternal caffeine intake during pregnancy and risk of fetal growth restriction: a large prospective observational study
??BMJ 2008;337:a2332?

?Caffeine and pregnancy ?NHS Choice 2008.11.4?

Maternal caffeine consumption during pregnancy and the risk of miscarriage: a prospective cohort study.?Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2008 Mar;198(3):279.e1-8. ?

?Caffeine link to miscarriage ?NHS Choice 2008.1.22?


?????????????????1?300mg????????????????????FSA??300mg???????????????????????????Mail Online?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Pregnant women advised to limit caffeine consumption




Light drinking in pregnancy, a risk for behavioural problems and cognitive deficits at 3 years of age?
??International Journal of Epidemiology, doi:10.1093/ije/dyn230?

?Drinking and child behaviour?NHS Chice 2008.10.30?

?????????????1?2???????????????????????????(intelligent and better behaved)???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


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?Cut caffeine, pregnant women told (BBC NEWS 2008.11.2)
?Light drinking ‘no risk to baby’ ?BBC NEWS 2008.10.31?
?Caffeine link to low weight babies (AP 2008.11.2)
?Two cups of coffee a day can lead to underweight babies, experts claim
???Mail Online 2008.11.3?

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