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Åê¹Æ¼Ô: ????????

??FDA??18??19??2????????????????????Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee???????????the Pediatric Advisory Committee?????????????????????????????????????????????????? 





?NewYork Times??????????OTC????????800?????39????????????????????????????38??????????9500???????5?????????????????????????OTC???????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Statement from the Consumer Healthcare Products Association on Today’s Joint FDA Advisory Committee Recommendations Regarding Pediatric Over-the-Counter Cough and Cold Medicines
??CHPA NEWS RELEASE 2007.10.19?


Clarification of the Medicines Classification Committee’s (MCC) decision for sedating antihistamines?Medsafe?2005.12.16 Update?

????????2??????????????Restricted Medicines?????????????????????????????????Pharmacy-Only medicines???????????????????????????????????????????


APhA Recommends FDA Improve Pediatric OTC Labeling
?????APhA??????? 2007.10.19?
Comments before an FDA advisory committee on the availability of over-the-counter pediatric cough and cold formulations?Public Citizen?2007.10.19?


????FDA recommends withdrawal of cold meds for children under 6
??????APhA news 2007.10.19?
????FDA Advisory Committees discuss safety of cough and cold meds
??????APhA news 2007.10.18?
????FDA panel: Don’t use cold meds in kids under 6
??????MSNBC 2007.10.19 AP???
????Parents perplexed by cold medicine advice
??????MSNBC 2007.10.19?
????FDA Panel Recommends Ban on Cold Medicines for Kids
??????Health Day News 2007.10.19?
????Experts Seek Ban on Cold Medicines for Those Under 6
??????NewYork Times 2007.10.19?



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